Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Debate, Home Style

So the verdict is Obama won. I don't know if I was watching the same debate as everyone else but this is all I heard:

QUESTION: (It didn't matter what the question was really)

OBAMA: Blah blah blah blah blah. I didn't get you in this mess, McCain did.

MCCAIN: Blah blah blah blah blah. No I didn't, he did.

OBAMA: I just want to clarify one point, I didn't do it, he did.

MCCAIN: Let's just set the record straight, it wasn't me, it was him! I'm a reformer.

OBAMA: Here is a lesson in history, it was clearly HIM! He did it! He is a failure in a failed administration.

You just don't understand.

OBAMA: Well, you were a cheerleader for the cheerleader. Take that!

MCCAIN: You're going to raise taxes.

OBAMA: No I'm not, you're going to raise taxes. I'm going to lower taxes.

MCCAIN: No I'm not. I'm raising taxes for only 20% of the people but 95% will get tax cuts.

OBAMA: That is incorrect. I am raising taxes for only 5% of people, but 100% will get cuts.

MCCAIN: No, you are wrong. Your plan sucks! Go ahead, tell people your secret.

OBAMA: What? That I nail Jello to the wall for pleasure?

Twenty minutes into it, things did change pace.

MCCAIN: Obama is a liar.

OBAMA: I know you are but what am I?

MCCAIN: You voted for goodies.

OBAMA: Yeah, well, your Straight Talk Express just lost a wheel on that one.

This goes on for another hour. But I think the pundits are right, Obama totally nailed it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That wasn't even a debate. Tom Brokaw picked the same questions they asked at the last debate. That audience was SCARY. Yikes.