Monday, July 6, 2009

Peter, King of Assholes

What is the political benefit of bashing Michael Jackson postmortem? Representative Peter King (R) of New York said Jackson was a "pervert, a child molester, he was a pedophile". I guess he won't be re-elected. The only explanation for his lashing out is that he fancies the lads himself. That's right. You heard it here first. Peter King, pedophile, hypocrite.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Yay To New Wardrobe

I don't know, you decide. I say Neiman Marcus beats Target any day. Although I would not have worn those boots that that suit, but I imagine she doesn't listen to her stylist any more than she listens to her advisers.

Friday, October 10, 2008

You Know You're Going Down When......

- a black Democrat is kicking your ass in a financial showdown.
- the Maverick family wants you to stop besmirching their name.
- you adopt W's tactic of calling everyone a "terrorist".
- Louis Farrakhan thinks your opponent is the Messiah.
- the best thing to happen to your campaign is a Larry Flynt porn called "Nailin' Paylin"
- when Paris Hilton has an opinion about your campaign.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Fun Puns for Pundits

"Nailin' Paylin"
A Larry Flynt porn in production that is being fast tracked to be released before the election. No, for real.
Obama is the Bomb
Some might think so
Vote Obama Bomb Osama
Barack's foreign policy, the name confusion is just too bothersome
Barack The Vote
A lame T Shirt, people should come to me for better puns (see above)
"Ridin' Biden"
Another porn in production, not being fast tracked though
Once you go Barack, You can Never go back!
But it's so true!!!
Barack Don't Crack!
Sorry, had to do them, it's just too easy.
McCain Needs a Cane
No comment necessary
Palin is Ailin'
This could be good or bad
McCain is Insane
It's kind of like "Maverick"

Debate, Home Style

So the verdict is Obama won. I don't know if I was watching the same debate as everyone else but this is all I heard:

QUESTION: (It didn't matter what the question was really)

OBAMA: Blah blah blah blah blah. I didn't get you in this mess, McCain did.

MCCAIN: Blah blah blah blah blah. No I didn't, he did.

OBAMA: I just want to clarify one point, I didn't do it, he did.

MCCAIN: Let's just set the record straight, it wasn't me, it was him! I'm a reformer.

OBAMA: Here is a lesson in history, it was clearly HIM! He did it! He is a failure in a failed administration.

You just don't understand.

OBAMA: Well, you were a cheerleader for the cheerleader. Take that!

MCCAIN: You're going to raise taxes.

OBAMA: No I'm not, you're going to raise taxes. I'm going to lower taxes.

MCCAIN: No I'm not. I'm raising taxes for only 20% of the people but 95% will get tax cuts.

OBAMA: That is incorrect. I am raising taxes for only 5% of people, but 100% will get cuts.

MCCAIN: No, you are wrong. Your plan sucks! Go ahead, tell people your secret.

OBAMA: What? That I nail Jello to the wall for pleasure?

Twenty minutes into it, things did change pace.

MCCAIN: Obama is a liar.

OBAMA: I know you are but what am I?

MCCAIN: You voted for goodies.

OBAMA: Yeah, well, your Straight Talk Express just lost a wheel on that one.

This goes on for another hour. But I think the pundits are right, Obama totally nailed it.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Sarah Palin in Shock After Revelation

Palin has a minor stroke when it hits her that she is going to have to give McCain blowjobs on a daily basis if this bullshit election goes their way. I mean, it shouldn't be that different than the blowjobs she has already given to his advisers, except of course his balls are way wrinklier. To quote Adam Sandler, "Hey! You just made the biggest mistake of your life, baby. I know you're gunna be missing me when you have that big, white, wrinkly body on you with his loose skin and old balls... gross! Ugh!" (Big Daddy).

Go Away Madonna, Just Go Away!!

Not only should Madonna stop making political statements boldly announcing "Sarah Palin can't come to my party. Sarah Palin can't come to my show. It's nothing personal." (as reported by The Superficial, my main news source). We all know what Palin's answer to that is, "You betcha!" Well you know what? I'm going off point here but Madonna should really stop having shows and should stop coming to my party, which is pretty much the entire media at large. GET OUT OF MY FACE HAGGY BITCH!! Look at this picture! Even the gay men are cringing. What the fuck is she wearing? Where can I get myself one of them bedazzled football shoulder pads? I am tired of her, not like I am sick of her antics (although I am) but I am literally tired from my cringe reflex being overworked every time I hear her name or see her scary ass bony sinewy body. Two words, RETIRE.